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Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.




Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Y4 or Y5 Art Plan + Resource Pack - A DIFFERENT CULTURE

Y4 or Y5 Art Plan + Resource Pack - A DIFFERENT CULTURE

Year 4 - A Different Culture - Art Unit Plan and Resources . In this Year 4 unit plan, pupils will investigate works of art from a specific culture (e.g. India, Africa, Caribbean, Mexico etc.) . **Pupils’ will be taught to: ** . collect visual and other information to help them develop their ideas, including using a sketchbook. record from experience and imagination, to select and record from first-hand observation and to explore ideas for different purposes.** question and make thoughtful observations about starting points and select ideas to use in their work. investigate and combine visual and tactile qualities of materials and processes and to match these qualities to the purpose of the work. apply their experience of materials and processes, including drawing, developing their control of tools and techniques. use a variety of methods and approaches to communicate observations, ideas and feelings, and to design and make images and artefacts. develop work into final product. review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it. extend work into another medium. . 2 pages Fully editable Resource pack included - Indian art projects and work samples
Art Unit of Work - Islands, Maps + Rainforest Animals

Art Unit of Work - Islands, Maps + Rainforest Animals

A complete Art unit of work with resources. Fully editable and appropriate for 6+ Week 1: understand and draw islands. Week 2: create a 3-D model of an island. Week 3: paint/decorate an island. Week 4: print and make rainforest animals. Week 5: create a rainforest environment.
Aboriginal Art - PowerPoint

Aboriginal Art - PowerPoint

Teach your class Aboriginal Art with this 7-slide interactive presentation. Section 1: Aboriginal people. Section 2: Painting tools. Section 3: Painting style. Section 4: Main colours. Section 5: Pictures of what they painted. Fully editable.
Y5 or Y6 Art Plan and Resources - SCULPTURE

Y5 or Y6 Art Plan and Resources - SCULPTURE

A fully editable unit plan for Year 5 or Year 6. Theme: SCULPTURE. The learning objectives covered in this unit plan are as follows: to learn about the materials and processes used in making sculpture to record from first-hand observation and explore ideas to ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work, and develop their ideas to investigate the possibilities of a range of materials and processes to make a textured collage interpretation from a photographic stimulus. to develop work further into a 3-D sculpture piece. to try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes. to review what they and others have done, say what they think and feel about it and what they might change to identify what they might develop in their future work to develop 3-D work further to link with other areas of the curriculum. . RESOURCES ATTACHED: . Unit Plan - 3 pages Andy Goldsworthy sculptures (and inspired sculptures) Display / Bulletin Board ideas Giacometti sculptures Henri Rousseau sculptures Henry Moore sculptures General sculpture images Tree bark images
Y5 or Y6 Art Plan and Resources - PEOPLE IN ACTION

Y5 or Y6 Art Plan and Resources - PEOPLE IN ACTION

A complete and fully editable unit of work for Year 5 or Year 6. Theme: PEOPLE IN ACTION. In this unit, children explore how to convey movement in their work. They explore dynamic activities such as sport, dance, drama and music as a starting point for making work in two dimensions. They look at how the idea of movement is shown in different kinds of art, such as photography, illustrations, cartoons, paintings, prints, and experiment with different methods and techniques to show movement. All resources provided including: Unit of Work. Figure Drawing Slide. Work inspired by Giacometti.
Art Curriculum - Reception to Year 6

Art Curriculum - Reception to Year 6

A complete and updated curriculum overview (Reception to Year 6) listing the artists and styles to focus on each half term. A checklist of art skills. An 8-page booklet outlining the various styles of art, artists and mediums to use. Fully editable.
Shape Christmas Tree - Art Project

Shape Christmas Tree - Art Project

A simple Christmas project for your student’s to enjoy. 5-slide PowerPoint. Nice link to maths (2-D shape). Just print off slide 3 for each child. Alternatively, print slide 4 if you want the children to paint the shapes first. Then cut the shapes out and arrange to make a Christmas tree. Stick onto a piece of card. Finally, add sequins and glitter at the end. Fully editable. Approx. 1 hour lesson depending on age and amount of detail you want to add to the tree.
Design a DREAM House, Room Design & Floor Plans - UOW, Homework Project & Class Activities

Design a DREAM House, Room Design & Floor Plans - UOW, Homework Project & Class Activities

- Design your very own dream house! - Unit of Work attached. - Floor Plan Activity Booklet attached. - Holiday Homework Dream House Project attached. - My Room Design Booklet attached. - Activity: Ask the children to design a dream house for a spaceman, a teacher, a pet etc. This can be a weekend homework project or class-based activity. The children can then design a room in the house (using the attached floor and furniture plan). - My students loved this DT / ART project (and most of the parents did too) as it created lots of descriptive writing opportunities. My class also really enjoyed designing and making one of the rooms in their dream house using 'doll-sized' pieces of furniture! - Fully editable.
Squared Symmetrical Paper

Squared Symmetrical Paper

3 types of fully editable A3 and A4 squared paper. Ideal for drawing symmetrical shapes and patterns. Paper 1: Vertical and horizontal symmetrical paper. Paper 2: Vertical line symmetrical paper. Paper 3: Horizontal line symmetrical paper.